
Hello there!  Lisa here – hanging out here in Presidio Park in San Diego – it’s so nice to meet you!!  (Photo: The amazing Maddisen.V.Media)

When it comes to intuitive (psychic) talents and skills, my flagship skill:  I am a Timing expert.  I have two decades of experience as an astrologer, tarot reader, dowser and energy healer, and over a decade as an herbalist (thus the “MH” you see after my name sometimes).

While I can also provide what will happen (and even provide a percentage of probability, similar to a weather report), my clientele has evolved over the years, bringing me more of you already knowing what’s going to happen!

So – more importantly, I can help you with WHEN it will happen!  How?

If you have, for instance, clairvoyant (“clear-seeing”) ability, you can often see, sometimes in great detail, what everything looks like and maybe even how things happen, like sequences in a movie – and this is all helpful…

…but the same skills that tell you what happens cannot tell you WHEN it will happen.

My very best skill:      >>>PRECISE TIMING of EVENTS<<<

I do this with developed intuition in this area as well as my natural dowsing abilities.  Being an astrologer also helps!

Now, if you don’t like the timing window that is revealed for some reason – sometimes permission is granted to actually CHANGE the timing in a beneficial way, making your life easier – imagine THAT!  So often I see that we have no control over these things, and I am here to tell you that quite often – YES we do!  This is why it’s called Timing MAGIC!

FREE Timing Readings on YouTube Livestream (and maybe other platforms) is being implemented in early 2022!  Subscribe, click the notification bell, and ASK ME TIMING questions live!

Or, if you can’t attend live, consider my new offering especially for intuitive and psychic people who only need TIMING advice – TIMING CONFIDENCE delivered via Patreon, starting at a ridiculous $33 a month for weekly timing advice!  A no-brainer, right?

Stay tuned for my upcoming book on timing techniques for the free-flowing intuitive, by hopping on my list for news.

Curious about my skills?  Consultations are explained in full – HERE

When Will It Happen?

Looking for my articles?  Click on my blog.  My most popular article is on Herbal Contraception (yes, you read that right!)

In addition, because of these skills, I will be creating an easy membership-subscription website on Patreon that will provide and even teach what I call TimingMagic (TM pending), which is something that nearly all natural psychics, intuitives, mediums and channels would love to include in their skill set!

If this interests you, stay tuned via email and meanwhile receive FREE my PDF Astrology Ebook on the Asteroid, Pallas-Athena and how she operates in your birth chart!  Later this will sell for $6.99 so get it NOW!

Get the Pallas-Athena PDF Ebook FREE – Click HERE!

Staying on the list will be rewarding, I promise – not only will you stay in the know about the book on timing intuitively to be released by my excellent publisher, Llewellyn; very soon my “Healing Qualities of Flower Essences” eBook will be FREE to you.  I have found flower essences to be the easiest, most effective and inexpensive way to “shift” any of us into a more desirable timing window!  While it may not be my flagship offering, flowers and healing are my absolute passion!  This work is rather extensive and introduces flowers not as often discussed in this healing modality, as well as some old favorites!


Thank you for visiting my page and hopping on my list – I hope to help you become all YOU can be and live a life full of beauty, joy, love, abundance and vitality!   Lisa



21 thoughts on “Welcome!


  2. hi, i subscribed to the elvish thing, was wondering how to get the e-book/ other pdf download ^_^ thanks

    1. Hello Luthien! Providing you have already verified your email (check your spam filters just to be on the safe side), the follow-up email after verification provides the download link and password(s) which are case-sensitive. Let me know if you have other trouble though OK? I verified you are indeed on the mailing list. Thanks so much for your interest! 🙂 For those of you curious as to what Luthien is addressing, please visit http://elvenspirituality.com and check out the freebies!

  3. Greetings!…I’ve nominated your blog for “Most Influential Blogger Award”– and I want to personally thank you for inspiring me, entertaining me, enlightening me, and for giving your time and effort and talent to the wonderful world of blogging. Technology rocks! Keep on writing– your words are magickal!

    Amythyst Raine-Hatayama

    Most Influential Blogger Award Rules

    The rules I received and pass down are as follows:

    1. Display the Award on your Blog
    2. Announce your win with a blog post, thanking the blogger who awarded you. This award may NOT be included together with a “basket” or a “lump” of any other awards. It is special.
    3. Present 10 deserving Bloggers with the Award.
    4. Link your awardees in the post and let them know with a comment.
    5. Include an embedded video of your current favorite song (You Tube has everything). Just copy & paste into your WordPress Editor. If a video is not possible, please embed a Sound CloudTrac.

    ps– apparently links don’t always show up on comments. You’ll find the “Most Influential Blogger Award” logo at my site: wytchymystique.com

  4. Lisa!!…You are being nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award: I nominate you for your creativity; for your art; your photographs; your writing style; and your beautiful spirit…I understand if you don’t have the time or inclination to accept this award, but know that you are deserving of it in every way– Your blog shines bright!!

  5. Such a pleasure to meet you today.
    Have to trust all the messages that are being presented. Again THANK YOU Lisa for being so good at what you do!
    Appreciation & Blessings,

  6. Hi Lisa, listening to the tarot telesummit now and I have a dowsing question for you! I received a pendulum at a shamanic lightworking class I was taking but I haven’t vibed with it yet. Admittedly, I haven’t picked it up enough probably, but do you have any advice?

    1. Thanks so much for tuning in – that was a fun and lively show! I may not be the right person to answer all your questions on dowsing, but I can try to point you in the right direction. Dowsing came so naturally for me, so I can use a key on a string if I need to. I can even use my body as an upside-down pendulum, feet being the hold point and the head the swinging part (yeah!). Even fingers lightly rubbed together can be telling and everyone’s system is different. If you cannot connect with your pendulum yet, many people who are intuitive are in the upper energies but not grounded into the earth energies, so ask your spirit guides to assist you with that. Then, find your system of yes/no and other basics because some people are wired differently than others. More suggestions on this page: https://aartiana.wordpress.com/resources/reikidowsing/ – some nice resources listed there! If you still can’t get it to go, try a different pendulum. I had a friend who had good luck with copper chain and the copper wire twisted at the bottom, or a malachite pendant if one can be found. So, experiment! Most people like amethyst pendants but I say get the right one for you, even if it is a key on a string! Thanks for staying tuned, and you may wish to get on my Email List for a free upcoming dowsing/timing PDF Ebook!! 🙂 http://eepurl.com/zUYpT – Looking most forward to hearing about your progress! 🙂

  7. I found your website seeking a flower essence made from Dodecatheon pulchellum (Shootong Star), which is on your list. If available for sale, I’d like to purchase some. Thank you! ~Dana~

    1. Hi Dana! Unfortunately, I can only provide these to my clients at this time. However, I have some other different Shooting Star flower essences from 3 different places – each one will still provide the same healing signature. Try http://www.powerfloweressences.com/shooting-star-flower-essence or https://alaskanessences.com/products/shooting-star-i-dodecatheon-frigidum-i or http://www.injoynow.com/flower-essences/200-shooting-star-flower-essence.html – I am sure you can find the one you like! Thanks so much for finding me, and I wish you wellness, healing and feeling like Earth is indeed your home! 🙂

  8. I would like to know when I will see Bobby, when will he call and see me, and do you see me meeting Stephen Smith, his cousin, and when (note: edited for clarity by site owner).

    1. Hello Suzanne – it appears your question got caught in some filters and this is likely well-passed the issue. That being said, my “Consultations” page is a better way to reach me, and also has my pricing information and methods of payment. Thank you! Lisa

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